A hub for Linked Open Data
in Academies of Sciences and Beyond

Collaboration in the field of linked data and graph technologies.
LOD.ACADEMY aims to bring together methodological approaches, research data, software tools, (web)services, best practice examples and learning material for linked data and graph technologies within the scope of the foundational research in the humanities and social sciences carried out by the academies of sciences. The goal is to develop a collaborative digital plattform on which academies, research projects and researchers can exchange knowledge and join forces.
The platform is developed by the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz in cooperation with the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Both institutions have a long standing research interest in linked data and graph technologies. On behalf of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences the Digital Academy also develops AGATE, a European science academies gateway for the humanities and social sciences that is closely linked to LOD.ACADEMY.
A brief overview of tools, services, technologies, information and learning material.
Read more on how you can take part with your tool, your data or your project.
Participants can register and resolve IRIS with LOD.ACADEMY creating persistent identifiers for their data.
Researchers can host and publish RDF vocabularies and ontologies on LOD.ACADEMY making them permanently available.
Projects from academies can publish RDF data on LOD.ACADEMY using the triple store and SPARQL endpoint service.
LOD.ACADEMY generic webservice to extract RDF statements from any XML resource. Read more
LLOD focuses on data of dictionaries and linguistic resources and shares it accross disciplines. Read more
An overview and outlook on scientific conferences and workshops for linked data and graph technologies. Read more
A collection of learning material on linked data and graph technologies. Read more
An overview of research projects from Academies participating in LOD.ACADEMY. Read more
The following Academies of Sciences are participating in LOD.ACADEMY with their projects Read more